Evergreen Care Trust
Charity Reg. No. 1158271

Stamford Singers
(2007 - 2024)
A chamber choir for Stamford
A visiting choir for cathedrals
Although Stamford Singers was disbanded in October 2024, no apology is offered for making this site available still! That Stamford fielded a chamber choir which sang so many events both at home and abroad for seventeen years seems note-worthy enough for this site to remain on line as a historical account of the choir's activities.
​​Stamford Singers was a chamber choir made up of enthusiastic and dedicated singers drawn from Stamford and surrounding areas, which performed locally and further afield both nationally and internationally. Apart from visiting churches and 36 cathedrals to sing services, the choir also gave concerts to raise money for local charities and church funds, and was also available for hire for weddings and other functions. The choir's adopted local charity was The Evergreen Care Trust.
The choir's standard repertoire was varied and included both sacred and secular works, and its flexible approach enabled it toconsider any style of music to suit the occasion