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David Lovell Brown
David Lovell Brown began his musical career as a treble chorister in the Chapel Royal choir at Hampton Court. After his voice broke, he took up the organ and held two church organist posts while still at school. He went up to Edinburgh University to study music and held the Hollins' Organ Scholarship during this time, gaining his A.R.C.O. diploma while studying for his B.Mus (hons) degree. He also gained an L.R.A.M. in Choral Conducting. After a year at Cambridge he became a member of the music staff at Stamford School, and for most of his time there he was Director of Chapel Music, and later Head of Music Technology. Since his retirement from that post, he has continued to act as the school organist and also plays in several other Stamford churches from time to time. He has been involved in many other aspects of the musical and dramatic cultural life of Stamford, including the role of Music Director for a U3A singing group. As accompanist for Stamford Singers, he has now played for services in over 30 British cathedrals.
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